Who We Are

  • dragonmctt, stepmom
  • dh, custodial father
  • ss1, 19 yrs old
  • ss2, 16 yrs old

August 17, 2008

Such is the way of the world...

Thinking about smirking cat's comment on the "And the winner is..." post, I have felt that way a lot this weekend. DH and I are normally the most flexible, understanding people out there. Over the years, we have made many alterations in schedule to accommodate BM. And while more saintly people may say, "just pay for the flight change and be done with it", BM's behavior over this past year has finally caused us to reach a point where we can no longer find it in ourselves to extend that olive branch. There is only so much abuse one can take and still give. Or, more accurately, we feel there is only so much abuse one should have to take.

Ironically, we had several occasions this weekend to see this type of thing in play. We went to a local water park and during our trip we had some + ups and - downs...

+ DH and I helped someone jump start their car.

+ A stranger, obviously in dire need, since we were in a rural area and there wasn't a gas station for miles, bummed cigarettes off of us at the rest area.

+ We used our seasons pass coupons to feed the other 9 people in our group.

- We got 5 chairs around the wave pool for the 12 of us to share as we came and went. 4 of them had people in them and the 5th person had just gotten up to change into her suit in the bathroom right behind us. A stranger woman came over and picked up our 5th chair, and when I said to her someone is using that chair, she said in the snottiest voice ever, "There was nothing on it!" and walked away with our chair. Maybe my friend broke the first rule of water park chairs and forgot to throw a towel on her chair before she left, but if someone told me the chair was being used, I would have said, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize" and I would have put the damn chair back down. Needless to say, I was waiting, oh so patiently, for her to get up out of that chair so a "mysterious" wind could have come by and knocked her towel off the chair so I could go reclaim it, but, alas, the water park closed before the nasty stranger woman ever got up (I had fallen asleep and may have missed my opportunity!)

- We purchased one of the souvenir cups that you can refill all day for free. SS1 went to the counter to have the girl refill it. She also had another stranger's cup in her hand, same color as ours. She turns back around from the soda machine, says "oops, I don't remember which was which" and then expects SS1 to take a cup which may or may not have been his. Then when we go over to request a new cup, she at first refuses! Needless to say, we got a new cup.

- We check into the hotel, which one of the members of our group had booked (she is a travel agent) and they wanted to charge us more than what it had been reserved for - like by $40 per room. When she went to speak with the manager in the am about it, he said he would not honor her reservation rate, because that is not what they regularly charge, even though she had the reservation paperwork with her. He said that he was going to charge her the more expensive rate, to which she replied, "that is fine, I will go home and dispute the charges and you won't ever get the money", needless to say we got the discounted rate.

- We stopped at a cheese store on the way home and I went into the store next door to purchase a really cute water-colored card of eggs in a basket to frame, since our chickens just started laying. The card was $3.00 and the "artist" who owned the store refused to sell it to me because I didn't have cash, even though there was a card machine right on the counter. As a business owner I understand having to incur expenses, and frankly, I would have been willing to pay a little more for the card to cover her charge card machine costs for my transaction, but she flat out refused! Needless to say, instead of digging through my car and purse for $3.00 of change or asking one of my friends for cash, I put the card down and walked out.

DH and I have no problem being generous and helping others out. However, there are some damn nasty people in the world, and the more others encourage and tolerate their nastiness, the more nasty people are going to get. There is a fine line between taking the high road and letting yourself get walked over. We have tried the high road with BM for so long and it has only bitten us in the butt. Were she a typically generous, flexible person herself, we would surely be willing to work with her, but our high road has come to a dead end, and we aren't going to tolerate her nastiness anymore.


kelly said...

I 100% agree! I have a couple of mottos (Borrowed, not original) that reinforce this.

- You teach people how to treat you.

-Silence is agreement.

If you don't speak up or if you do nothing......nothing will change. My husband spent way too many years allowing ED's (and his daughter's)nasty behavior. For some reason, he thinks that being the good guy(always giving in) is setting a good example. It just reinforces the behavior!

Trust me, your ED expects you to back down. What always amazes me though, is when people who KNOW that they are wrong; who KNOW they are not following a court order....will blame the other party when their is a conflict!

I just want to add.....if this were my husband (or any man) in this situation, and he did not return his child as scheduled, he would lose visitation.

Keep us posted on this week's events. For your Stepson's sake, I hope she does the right thing. He does'nt deserve to be caught up in this.

Mimi said...

Just hope that the Karma Bus catches up to that woman, right?! It has to!

I had a hard time with my browser yesterday and couldn't comment - but want you to know that I'm pulling for you with SS2 coming home without the delays that she is trying to pull. It sucks that it sounds like they are going to happen, but hopefully she will have to make up for it.

dragonmctt said...

Kelly, thanks for the support. It is hard to be a hard-ass when it is not your nature, and I hope your husband, who I'm sure is like us and just wants to do the "right" thing, realizes that sometimes a little tough love is the "right" thing.

In a more light-hearted example, we have 3 dogs. The boys and DH always complain at supper that the dogs are hanging out at their legs. You know why? Because they have slipped them food at the dinner table many times. Not one of the three dogs comes near me at dinner. You know why? 'Cause they know they aren't getting anything from me.

DH and I are finally realizing that, as you said, if you reinforce negative behavior, you are only going to get more of it. People like our BM and your ED will NEVER realize the cause and effect of their behavior. Just like the dogs don't realize that a treat at dinner once in a while doesn't mean they get something every night.

Unfortunately, the courts are very reluctant to take this stand, and especially with mothers, are very apt to give too many second chances. We are going to do whatever we need to within our legal rights to stand up for what is best for SS2, which is having something he can count on to be consistent. That is the "right" thing.

dragonmctt said...

Mimi, I love the "Karma Bus". I think she boarded it a long time ago - dealing with her own erratic thoughts and having no stable relationships with anyone (including her parents, "Perpetual Fiance" and even her own children) consumes her.

Unfortunately, she purchased a family pass on the Karma Bus, and for a few more years at least, we all have reserved seats for the ride.