Who We Are

  • dragonmctt, stepmom
  • dh, custodial father
  • ss1, 19 yrs old
  • ss2, 16 yrs old

July 20, 2008

The Cell Phone Drama

This past Christmas, BM called while SS2 was with her to say she wanted to get SS2 a cell phone for a present. DH explained to her that the rule in our house is that the kids don't get cell phones until they are 16. We have had this rule since they first asked for them, around age 8 or 9. This is not a new rule, and SS1 and SS2 have been fully aware of it since then. DH told her she was more than welcome to get a cell phone for SS2 at her house, because we do not interfere in the rules at her house, but he would not be able to have it at our house.

Next ensued a 4 day crisis about cell phones, and what would SS2 do if he was lost in the woods (we live in a rural area)? Daily calls about something that DH had already addressed with her. She even got Perpetual Fiance to call DH and "see if we can work something out." Merry, Merry Christmas!

There is one reason we are not allowing cell phones in our home until the kids are 16. They don't need one. We live in a rural area and they don't even come in consistently at our home, so you really only need it when you are out. The only times the boys are out are when they are with one of us, at school, or with a friend's parent. We are involved parents and know where the children are at all times. We don't let them wander in the woods, take off without telling us, or change plans without prior approval. Children have functioned for hundreds of years without their own cell phone. We do feel when someone starts driving, especially a second hand vehicle, it is important that they can call in an emergency. At 16 they will also be with us less of the time and making more plans "on the fly" since it won't involve us driving them anywhere. We feel at 16 (and driving) it would be appropriate to have a cell phone (not to be used while driving, however!).

What I find interesting about the whole thing is that BM still can't let it go. We just talked to SS2 for our weekly Sunday call, and he let DH know that BM was out getting him a cell phone, and that he wanted us to know it had nothing to do with him. Apparently BM has it in her head and has told SS2 that there is a "law" that says we have to give him a cell phone if she buys it. If any of you have heard of the "Child Cell Phone" legislation that has been passed, please let me know the statute # so I can look it up!

DH told SS2 not to worry about it, that it was something for him and BM to work out. DH got off the phone and laughed, 'cause if she does send it home with him, it is going straight into a box and being sent back to her.

This cell phone is her miracle fix for several problems right now:

1) She knows it is against our rules, so she want to show SS2 how unreasonable and cruel we are.

2) She wants to stick it to SS1 for not towing her line and giving SS2 a cell phone at 13 when SS1 will have had to wait until he is 16 (notice she's not buying one for SS1 or worried if SS1 gets lost in the woods!).

3) She cannot accept the fact the boys may not be available to talk to her 24/7. She expects that when she wants to talk to them they should be waiting by the phone to talk to her. The cell phone is her way to interrupt any quality time the boys may be having with us or their friends. What would she do if the boys went to camp? Most of them don't allow contact for at least the first 10 days. We don't call the boys hourly or daily when they are with her. We feel once a week is perfectly acceptable for the ages of 13 and 15. We also don't interrupt the boys when they are with their friends just to talk about the weather, our latest trip to the hospital, to bribe them, guilt them, threaten them or complain about how BM has done us wrong. The cell phone will be her vehicle for all of this.

Ring, ring...


kelly said...

You are absolutely correct in realizing cell phones in (most) stepfamily situations are a nightmare. They are a tool that have many benefits.... but in our family and many other stepfamilies they are used as an invasion of privacy and even a weapon!

On our recent vacation we literally had the ex-wife along with us every step of the way..... via my stepdaughters constant interaction with her on our trip.

At one point my husband took the cell phone away from her so that we could actually have lunch without phone calls with his ex....My stepdaughter was infuriated. She excused herself to use the restroom and ended up telling a waitress at the back of the restaurant that "She was being held against her will and abused by that man up there and would she please call the police for help."

Yep, you guessed it....... we ended up with the state police at the restaurant, and spent THE DAY in their company clearing the whole thing up. IT was despicable what we went through that day AND the entire vacation because of the cell phone. Way too long to get into here.

My advice: Do whatever you can to not allow the cell in your house. I can't even begin to describe the problems it causes. Oh, yes, I must also mention that the phone was used to take photos of my house, inside and out, to share with the ex. I deleted pictures off of her phone 4 times.(No pictures were taken, however, of the awesome sights on our vacation. Only pictures of every room of my houses, even pictures of family pictures hanging on walls.) The stalking ex-wife is training her daughter well!

dragonmctt said...

Kelly, I have a pit in my stomach just reading your comment. That is horrible! We have suspicions that our BM would exhibit similar behavior.

What happened with the police? I can imagine there were no consequences for BM or the step-daughter.

DH and I have always taken the boys with us on vacation, and we usually did not tell them of the plans until we said "time to get in the car" for that reason exactly. If she doesn't know we are on vacation, she doesn't call. As soon as she finds out we are, she calls all the time. Now that the boys are getting older and vacation planning has to be planned around their social calendars, we will probably take fewer vacations with them and take more just the two of us. It really isn't worth all the planning and hopes for relaxation to be ruined by BM.

BM also gave the boys digital cameras, but we made it perfectly clear they were only to take pictures of their own rooms, and we as well check the cameras to see what they have on there.

SS2 has 4 more weeks there - can't wait to see what else is coming our way!

Smirking Cat said...

If you've already made it clear the cell phone isn't permitted in your house, then it's her fault if she chooses to send it with them. You have every right to refuse to allow it in your home, or send it back, or keep it turned off at your house until it gets sent back.

I am familiar with the cell phone game too. Lord knows I needed a cell phone when I was 9 (sarcasm).

dragonmctt said...

Thanks for the support, Smirking Cat! Cell phone torture must be a whole chapter in the BM manual of "How to Make Chaos out of Nothing."

What's really sad is I actually ended up googling to make sure judges hadn't started ordering children to carry around cell phones as "reasonable contact." I think I need to remember to just go with my gut (and common sense).

Anonymous said...

I wish I'd read this post about 2 weeks ago BEFORE I bought SD a cell phone. Ugh. kelly's comment is a nightmare.

dragonmctt said...

Well, you guys are still the adults, you can set guidelines for when it is to be used. Just because she has a cell doesn't mean she has to have it on her 24/7. And then if she gets upset about it, perfect time to take it away.

It sucks to have to be the bad guy to keep some type of sanity in our homes!

Anonymous said...

Stand your ground on this one. I'm so anti-cellphone in situations like this it isn't even funny.

Our rule? No cellphones until you're old enough to sign a contract and pay for it yourself.

The positive cellphone story in a high-conflict post-marital situation is rarer than a sighting of Bigfoot!