Who We Are

  • dragonmctt, stepmom
  • dh, custodial father
  • ss1, 19 yrs old
  • ss2, 16 yrs old

July 21, 2008

Society is Fueling the NPD/BPD Fire!

The whole cell phone issue has me thinking...

I used to think that once judges caught on to the "typical" NPD/BPD behavior, we would see less people getting away with those types of behaviors. But it has dawned on me that society as a whole is becoming more narcissistic and actually condones this type of behavior.

At the core of this theory is the trend of dependence and being better than everyone else.

It is now expected that you can be reached at all hours of the day or night via text, email, cell phone, and if you can't be, you almost have to make up excuses about the power going out or your battery dying. As a business owner, I feel technology can make us more efficient, but shouldn't our personal lives be more, um, personal?

Parents are now going on job interviews with their adult children.

And employees are interviewing employers, instead of the other way around.

Children are not allowed to fail at anything. Everyone gets an award, goals are celebrated even if not achieved, just for the fact of trying. We are training narcissistic behavior in our schools.

It is acceptable for a 30-something to still be living with their parents. And pay no rent. And take money. And then get angry if they have to follow some rules (yes, I watched People's Court today : )

The credit/housing snafu is a huge example of setting unrealistic goals - really, you think you can afford that 5 bdrm house working at McDonald's. Part-time. Sign on the dotted line.

Like taking advantage of others? Here, let the Federal and State governments help you out. You can shun all responsibility for your sexual behavior, keep popping out children and they will pay you! To sit home, on your ass. Even better, if you can get Child Protective Services involved in your dysfunctional family, they will even give you free daycare. So now, you can sit at home, on your ass, and not even have to watch the kids. And then whine to your parents about how you have no money to do anything with the kids and get Grandma and Grandpa to fund your social life, your cell phone, and vacations. Even better, don't do it all with one man, do it with several, and watch the cash come in.

You know that expression, "she thinks her shit don't stink"? There is a growing population that believes they don't even shit. And why should they?


Smirking Cat said...

I agree completely!

dragonmctt said...

I'm guessing you would agree, Smirking Cat, that there are times anyone may need some help. A bump in the road, so to speak. But people that I admire are those that pick themselves up again and overcome that bump and continue on to live a productive life. It just irritates me that some choose the helplessness as a lifestyle and all those around them just fall into line and support it. Forever. Removing any incentive to ever pick themselves up. And instead they drag their children down with them and teach them that it is much easier to have everyone else do things for you than do them yourself. Grrrr!